Razorscale, Healer Guide
Updated 4 months, 2 weeks ago for patch 3.4.1 by Preston. View the change log.
This page covers a healer-focused strategy for Razorscale in Ulduar in Wrath of the Lich King. While it's tailored for healers, other roles may also find the information useful. If you have any suggestions or feedback, you can leave a comment below or tweet @PrestonDvorak.
This guide has been updated and maintained based on my own experiences with the encounter, combat log information, and Dungeon Journal information. I'll continue to update it as-needed.
General Mechanics and Abilities
To begin the encounter, a player must talk to the Expedition Commander near the stairs at the entrance to the area.
Friendly NPCs are present during the encounter, but their contribution is negligible and they're not required to complete the encounter, so keeping them alive isn't important.
All Stages
- After 6-minutes (10-minutes on 10-player), goes Berserk, greatly increasing Attack Speed and damage dealt.
Stage One - Winged Terror
This stage begins the encounter and ends when Razorscale reaches 50% health.
- Four (two on 10-player) Harpoon Guns near the entrance of the area activate over time. The first after about 60-seconds, then about every 15-seconds after that.
- Interacting with a Harpoon Gun fires it at Razorscale.
- Once all Harpoon Guns have been fired, Razorscale is pulled to the ground and Stunned for 45-seconds. After which, she returns to the air.
- Razorscale
- Begins in the air, out of reach of players. Is pulled to the ground using Harpoon Guns, noted above.
- Deals light damage to random players with Devouring Flame, leaving behind a fire patch.
- Deals light damage to random players with Fireball.
- Players will be dealing with waves of lesser enemies while Razorscale is in the air.
- Dark Rune Sentinel
- The tanks will be dealing with extra light damage from Heroic Strike.
- Stay more than 8-yards away to avoid Whirlwind.
- Greatly increases damage dealt and Attack Speed of enemies within 15-yards with Battle Shout.
- Dark Rune Watcher
- Interrupt Chain Lightning to prevent the light damage dealt to up to five random players.
- When possible, interrupt Lightning Bolt to prevent the light damage dealt to a random player.
- Dark Rune Guardian
- Dispel Stormstrike (magic) to remove the increased Nature damage taken effect.
- Dark Rune Sentinel
Stage Two - Grounded
This stage begins when Razorscale reached 50% health and ends when she is killed.
- Razorscale is permanently grounded, and lesser enemies no longer spawn.
- The tanks will be dealing with stacks of Fuse Armor, reducing Armor, Attack Speed, and movement speed.
- At five stacks, the affected tank is Stunned by Fused Armor.
- Don't stand in front to avoid Flame Breath.
- Devouring Flame and Fireball continue during this stage.
Hardmode Differences
- Razorscale does not have a hardmode.
Healing Notes
Quick Notes, All Difficulties
The notes below mostly pertain to progression difficulty, meaning if you out-gear the difficulty you're on or use extra healers they may not apply.
- Use Major Cooldowns
- as-needed to deal with Devouring Flame
- Use Minor Cooldowns
- as-needed to keep the tanks alive, especially during stage two
- Pre-heal Before (mainly for heal over time classes)
- there's nothing to pre-heal before, damage is generally on random players and the tanks
- Other things to watch for
- during stage one, when Razorscale is on the ground, help deal damage as much as possible to get her to 50% health more quickly
Debuffs to Track
- Stormstrike (dispel, magic) should be dispelled immediately.
- Fuse Armor can cause the tank to need additional healing.
- Fused Armor Stuns the affected tank.
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