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Grand Widow Faerlina, Healer Guide

Updated 7 months, 3 weeks ago for patch 3.4.1 by Preston. View the change log.

Grand Widow Faerlina Dungeon Journal ModelThis page covers a healer-focused strategy for Anub'Rekhan in Naxxramas in Wrath of the Lich King. While it's tailored for healers, other roles may also find the information useful. If you have any suggestions or feedback, you can leave a comment below or tweet @PrestonDvorak.

This guide has been updated and maintained based on my own experiences with the encounter, combat log information, and Dungeon Journal information. I'll continue to update it as-needed.


Grand Widow Faerlina ModelGeneral Mechanics and Abilities

  • Accompanied by four Naxxramas Worshippers and two Naxxramas Followers (four Naxxramas Worshippers and zero Naxxramas Followers on 10-Player).
    • Naxxramas Worshipper
      • The tank will be dealing with Fireball, which can be interrupted when possible to prevent the light damage dealt.
      • On 25-Player: can be mind-controlled to gain access to their Widow's Embrace ability.
        • This should be used within 15-yards of Faerlina to remove the Frenzy effect, detailed below. This kills the Worshipper.
      • On 10-Player: should be killed within 15-yards of Faerlina to remove the Enrage effect, detailed below.
    • Naxxramas Follower
      • Stay more than 10-yards away to avoid the Silence effect from Silence.
      • Deals moderate damage to and knocks back random players with Berserker Charge.
  • Avoid the locations of Rain of Fire (Rain of Fire on 10-Player). Players hit take light damage over time.
  • Goes into a Frenzy (Enrage on 10-Player) every 60-seconds, gaining increased Attack Speed and Physical damage dealt.
    • This should be removed using Widow's Embrace from a Naxxramas Worshipper, detailed above.
  • Deals stacking light to morderate damage over time to all players with Poison Bolt Volley (Poison Bolt Volley on 10-Player) (dispel, poison).


Grand Widow Faerlina ModelHealing Notes

Quick Notes, All Difficulties

The notes below mostly pertain to progression difficulty, meaning if you out-gear the difficulty you're on or use extra healers they may not apply.

  • Use Cooldowns as-needed
  • Pre-heal Before (mainly for heal over time classes)
    • There's nothing particular to pre-heal before. Damage is fairly constant throughtout the encounter, so keeping heal over time effects active can be beneficial.
  • Other things to watch for
    • Be prepared for extra healing needed on the tank holding Faerlina if there's a delay in removing Frenzy (Enrage on 10-Player).

Grand Widow Faerlina ModelDebuffs to Track



Grand Widow Faerlina ModelUseful Addons

Naxxramas DBM Import Code for Healers - +

To use this import code, install the Deadly Boss Mods addon, type /dbm in your chat, expand the Wrath of the Lich King header in the left-hand panel, click on the Naxxramas heading, click on the Load AddOn button in the right-hand panel if necessary, click on the Import Profile button, paste the code into the box and click Import. Note that importing this code will replace all of your current settings for all Naxxramas bosses.


Comment on Grand Widow Faerlina, Healer Guide

Changelog - View the last ten changes. - +

October 10, 2022 - 2:28 pm (Healer) - Added DBM import code for Healers.

October 10, 2022 - 2:28 pm (Healer) - Added DBM import code for Healers.