Zul'jin, Healer Guide
Updated 1 year, 2 months ago for patch 2.5.4 by Preston. View the change log.
This page covers a healer-focused strategy for Zul'jin in Zul'Aman in The Burning Crusade. While it's tailored for healers, other roles may also find the information useful. If you have any suggestions or feedback, you can leave a comment below or tweet @PrestonDvorak.
This guide has been updated and maintained based on my own experiences with the encounter, combat log information, and Dungeon Journal information. I'll continue to update it as-needed.
General Mechanics and Abilities
Zul'jin switches to a new beast form every time he loses 20% health. Each new stage resets all threat.
Stage One - Troll
This stage begins the encounter and ends when Zul'jin reaches 80% health.
- Stay more than 8-yards away to avoid Whirlwind.
- Deals moderate damage and then light damage over time to random players with Grievous Throw. Healing the player to full health removes the damage over time effect.
Stage Two - Bear
This stage begins when Zul'jin reaches 80% health and ends when he reaches 60% health.
- The tanks will be dealing with extra damage from Overpower.
- Dispel Creeping Paralysis (magic) from all players, starting with the tanks and healers, to prevent the stun from Paralyzed when the effect expires.
Stage Three - Eagle
This stage begins when Zul'jin reaches 60% health and ends when he reaches 40% health.
- During Energy Storm, players take light damage from Zap when casting a spell.
- Avoid the Cyclones that move around the area.
Stage Four - Lynx
This stage begins when Zul'jin reaches 40% health and ends when he reaches 20% health.
- Targets a random player with Claw Rage, dealing critical damage over time.
- Deals light damage and then light damage over time to most players with Lynx Rush.
Stage Five - Dragonhawk
This stage begins when Zul'jin reaches 20% health and ends when he's killed.
- Don't stand in front to avoid Flame Breath.
- Avoid the locations of Columns of Fire, players inside them take light damage over time from Burn.
- Deals light damage to all players and increases Fire damage taken with Flame Whirl.
Resistance Levels
- All players should use as much Nature and Fire Resistance as possible, depending on their needs, without sacrificing other stats.
- Nature Resistance helps counter Zap.
- Fire Resistance helps counter Flame Whirl.
Healing Notes
Quick Notes
The notes below mostly pertain to progression difficulty, meaning if you out-gear the encounter or use extra healers they may not apply.
- Use Cooldowns
- during Lynx Rush
- as-needed during Energy Storm
- Other things to watch for
- Players targeted by Claw Rage will likely need external defensive cooldowns to survive.
Debuffs to Track
- Claw Rage causes player to need critical healing over time.
- Creeping Paralysis (dispel, magic) should be dispelled immediately.
- Grievous Throw deals light damage over time until the affected player reaches full health.
- Paralyzed incapacitates players.
Useful Addons
DBM Settings
Below are the DBM settings I'll be using for Zul'jin in Zul'Aman. You can set them up however you'd like, but these ones should work well as a starting point.
Healer DBM Settings for Zul'jin
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