The Nine, Healer Guide
Updated 10 months ago for patch 9.2.7 by Preston. View the change log.
This page covers a healer-focused strategy for The Nine in Sanctum of Domination in Shadowlands. While it's tailored for healers, other roles may also find the information useful. If you have any suggestions or feedback, you can leave a comment below or tweet @PrestonDvorak.
This guide has been updated and maintained based on my own experiences with the encounter, combat log information, and Dungeon Journal information. I'll continue to update it as-needed.
General Mechanics and Abilities
Normal and Heroic
Stage One - The Unending Voice
This stage begins the encounter and ends when Kyra or Signe reach 10% (15% on Heroic) health. During this stage, players will be fighting against Kyra and Signe directly while Skyja assaults from the air.
- Kyra, The Unending
- The tanks will be dealing with stacks of Unending Strike.
- When a tank is hit, each stack deals light damage to all players with Repeating Slash.
- Summons Formless Masses.
- Formless Mass
- Interrupt Siphon Vitality to prevent the healing and light damage dealt to all players.
- Formless Mass
- At 100% energy, during Wings of Rage, run against the pull to stay more than 10-yards away from Kyra to avoid the heavy damage and stun effect.
- The tanks will be dealing with stacks of Unending Strike.
- Signe, The Voice
- The tank will be dealing with Soulful Blast, which can be interrupted when possible.
- Interrupt Song of Dissolution to prevent the stacking light damage over time dealt to all players.
- At 100% energy, during Reverberating Refrain, run against the push to stay within 10-yards of Signe to avoid the heavy damage and fear effect.
- From the sky, Skyja, The First uses Call of the Val'kyr to summon fragments of the fallen val'kyr to assault players.
- Avoid the Agatha's Eternal Blade lines that appear across the area.
- Avoid the impact locations of Daschla's Mighty Impact
- Keep enemies out of Annhylde's Bright Aegis.
- One player must soak each impact location from Aradne's Falling Strike.
- When affected by Brynja's Mournful Dirge, stay more than 5-yards away from other players.
- Six or more players should stand with the player targeted by Arthura's Crushing Gaze to split the damage dealt.
Stage Two - The First of the Mawsworn
This stage begins when Kyra or Signe reach 10% (15% on Heroic) health and ends when all bosses are killed. During this stage, Skyja lands and joins the encounter directly.
- Kyra and Signe continue to use the same abilities as stage one.
- Skyja, The First
- Continues to use Call of the Val'kyr.
- The tanks will be dealing with stacks of Pierce Soul, reducing healing received.
- Targets random players with Fragments of Destiny (dispel, magic).
- Should be dispelled in a controlled manner.
- Jumps to the nearest player when dispelled.
- The goal is to get all fragments on one player to spawn the Shard of Destiny away from other players.
- Deals light damage over time to all players with Resentment.
- On Heroic, Link Essence causes linked players to split the damage they take among all other linked players.
- On Heroic, Word of Recall increases the frequency of Call of the Val'kyr.
Mythic Differences
Stage One - The Unending Voice
- Fragments of Destiny (dispel, magic) now also occurs during this stage.
Stage Two - The First of the Mawsworn
- This stage now begins when either Kyra or Signe reach 20% health.
- Word of Recall can now also summon the spirits of Kyra and Signe.
- During Wings of Rage, run against the pull to stay more than 10-yards away from Kyra.
- During Reverberating Refrain, run against the push to stay within 10-yards of Signe.
Healing Notes
Quick Notes, All Difficulties
The notes below mostly pertain to progression difficulty, meaning if you out-gear the difficulty you're on or use extra healers they may not apply.
- Use Major Cooldowns on
- Arthura's Crushing Gaze [doesn't appear to occur at a regular frequency]
- Use Minor Cooldowns
- on Unending Strike/Repeating Slash [occurs steadily as long as Kyra is alive]
- as-needed during stage two to survive the persistent damage
- Pre-heal Before (mainly for heal over time classes)
- Potion of Spiritual Clarity use
- after Reverberating Refrain or Wings of Rage
- Other things to watch for
- Mana should be conserved during stage one whenever possible, as the damage in stage two is much higher and more persistent.
Debuffs to Track
- Fragments of Destiny (dispel, magic) should be dispelled in a controlled manner to spawn the Shard of Destiny away from other players.
- Pierce Soul causes the tanks to take reduced healing for each stack.
- Arthura's Crushing Gaze causes players to need additional healing.
- Brynja's Mournful Dirge causes players to need additional healing over time.
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