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Shriekwing, Healer Guide

Updated 9 months, 1 week ago for patch 9.2.7 by Preston. View the change log.

Shriekwing Dungeon Journal ModelThis page covers a healer-focused strategy for Shriekwing in Castle Nathria in Shadowlands. While it's tailored for healers, other roles may also find the information useful. If you have any suggestions or feedback, you can leave a comment below or tweet @PrestonDvorak.

This guide has been updated and maintained based on my own experiences with the encounter, combat log information, and Dungeon Journal information. I'll continue to update it as-needed.


Shriekwing ModelGeneral Mechanics and Abilities

Shriekwing ModelNormal and Heroic

During this encounter players will be alternating between the two stages.

Stage One - Thirst for Blood

This stage begins the encounter and ends when Shriekwing reaches 100 Blood. It begins again following stage two.

Stage Two - Terror of Castle Nathria

This stage begins when Shriekwing reaches 100 Blood and ends after a set time. It begins again each time 100 Blood is reached.

Shriekwing ModelMythic Differences

  • Players must gain the Bloodlight buff from standing near the The Blood Lantern in order to see the effects from Echoing Screech and Echoing Sonar.
    • If the Lantern or the player carrying the Lantern are hit by Descent, all players take critical damage, are Feared for 5-seconds, several Ravenous Horrors are spawned, and the Lantern is permanently destroyed.


Shriekwing ModelHealing Notes

Quick Notes, All Difficulties

The notes below mostly pertain to progression difficulty, meaning if you out-gear the difficulty you're on or use extra healers they may not apply.

  • Use Major Cooldowns on
  • Use Minor Cooldowns
    • as-needed to deal with unplanned damage
  • Pre-heal Before (mainly for heal over time classes)
  • Potion of Spiritual Clarity use
    • immediately following stage two
  • Other things to watch for
    • Depending on organization, players may be out of range and line of sight during Earsplitting Shriek.

Shriekwing ModelDebuffs to Track


  • Exsanguinated causes the tanks to need additional healing while also reducing the healing they receive.
  • Echolocation causes players to need additional healing.



Shriekwing ModelUseful Addons

Castle Nathria DBM Import Code for Healers - +

To use this import code, install the Deadly Boss Mods addon, type /dbm in your chat, expand the Shadowlands header in the left-hand panel, click on the Sanctum of Domination heading, click on the Load AddOn button in the right-hand panel if necessary, click on the Import Profile button, paste the code into the box and click Import. Note that importing this code will replace all of your current settings for all Castle Nathria bosses.

Comment on Shriekwing, Healer Guide

Changelog - View the last ten changes. - +

August 24, 2022 - 8:08 pm (Healer) - Updated Healing Notes for all bosses, added occurrence frequency for suggested cooldown usage.

August 24, 2022 - 8:08 pm (Healer) - Updated Healing Notes for all bosses, added occurrence frequency for suggested cooldown usage.

August 04, 2022 - 1:14 am (Sun King's Salvation) - Added Eyes on Target as a precursor to Crimson Flurry.

July 29, 2022 - 4:49 pm (Healer) - Added DBM import code.

July 29, 2022 - 4:49 pm (Healer) - Added DBM import code.

January 26, 2021 - 3:49 pm (Stone Legion Generals) - Removed the note about the dispeller receiving Heart Hemorrhage on Mythic difficulty, this was removed in a patch.

January 11, 2021 - 6:07 pm (Sire Denathrius) - Added DBM settings.

January 11, 2021 - 5:59 pm (Stone Legion Generals) - Added DBM settings.

January 11, 2021 - 5:18 pm (Sludgefist) - Added DBM settings.

January 11, 2021 - 3:50 pm (The Council of Blood) - Added DBM settings.