Spellblade Aluriel, Healer Guide
Updated 6 years, 4 months ago for patch 7.2 by Preston. View the change log.
This page covers a healer-focused strategy for Spellblade Aluriel in The Nighthold. While it's tailored for healers, other roles may also find the information useful. If you have any suggestions or feedback, you can leave a comment below or tweet @PrestonDvorak.
This guide has been updated and maintained based on my own experiences with the fight as well as Dungeon Journal information. I'll continue to update it as-needed.
General Mechanics and Abilities
Normal and Heroic
Spellblade Aluriel switches between several schools of magic during the fight with each school having unique abilities and mechanics.
Shared Abilities
- Don't stand in front of the boss to avoid Annihilate, which will be handled by the Tanks.
- Each of the schools of magic listed below has a primary ability and then three ways Aluriel interacts with the primary ability: Replicate, Detonate, and Animate.
Master of Frost
- When affected by Mark of Frost, stay at least 8-yards away from other players.
- Taking damage from this ability applies a stack of Frostbitten.
- If Frostbitten stacks get too high (4-6 stacks is what my guild used), one affected player can stand on another affected player to cause the debuff to transfer to the two closest players without the debuff. This causes a small amount of damage to everyone with in 8-yards of the players who touched.
- Replicate: Mark of Frost causes additional Mark of Frost to be put on players.
- Detonate: Mark of Frost casuses all players affected by Mark of Frost to explode.
- Avoid the Pool of Frost these explosions leave behind, directly underneath the players.
- (212735) causes one Icy Enchantment to spawn from each Pool of Frost.
- On Normal, Icy Enchantments occasionally cast Burst of Ice, dealing damage to the entire group.
- On Heroic, Icy Enchantments will teleport to a random player and cast Frozen Tempest, creating an area of frost around themselves.
- The frost attempts to push players out. If they're pushed outside the area they'll be stunned in a block of ice that must be killed to break the stun.
- Run against the push of Frozen Tempest to stay inside the frost.
Master of Fire
- When affected by Searing Brand, move away from the rest of the group, near the other players with the debuff.
- Aluriel will charge to players affected by Searing Brand, dealing moderate damage to any other players in her path.
- Dying with Searing Brand automatically triggers the effect from Detonate: Searing Brand.
- [Replicate: Searing Brand] causes additional Searing Brand to be put on players.
- Detonate: Searing Brand causes all players affected by Searing Brand to explode.
- Avoid the Burning Ground these explosions leave behind, directly underneath the players.
- Animate: Searing Brand causes one Fiery Enchantment to spawn from each Burning Ground.
- On Normal, Firey Enchantments occasionally cast Burst of Flame, dealing damage to the entire group.
- On Heroic, Fiery Enchantments cast Pyroblast at random players.
- Pyroblast should be interrupted.
- Fiery Enchantments gain stacks of Bound in Flame for every other Fiery Enchantment with in 8-yards.
Master of the Arcane
- Avoid Arcane Orb that are cast at locations of random players.
- Replicate: Arcane Orb causes additional Arcane Orb to be sent out.
- Detonate: Arcane Orb causes Arcane Orb to jump into the air and land at a player's location.
- Avoid the impact locations.
- Avoid the Arcane Fog left at the impact location.
- Animate: Arcane Orb causes one Arcane Enchantment to spawn from each Arcane Fog.
- On Normal, Arcane Enchantments ocassionally cast Burst of Magic, dealing damage to the entire group.
- On Heroic, Arcane Enchantments channel Armageddon, which deals a moderate amount of damage to the group when the channel finishes.
- Arcane Enchantments should be killed before their channel completes.
Mythic Differences
- You will now need to contend with a Fel Soul add.
- The Fel Soul must be tanked with in 45-yards of Aluriel to avoid them being buffed by Severed Soul.
- The Fel Soul uses different abilities depending on what school of magic Aluriel is in.
- During Master of Frost, Whirling Barrage is used.
- Avoid standing in the path of the Fel Soul as it spins towards its target.
- During Master of Fire, Fel Stomp is used.
- Stay as spread out as possible to help mitigate the damage caused.
- During Master of the Arcane, Fel Lash is used.
- Move to the area being slashed to help split the damage.
Healing Strategy
Healing this fight should be relatively straightforward as long as mechanics are handled properly and adds are killed quickly.
- Tanks can take significant damage from Annihilate throughout the fight. The depends on the number of stacks and whether they're able to use a cooldown.
Master of Frost
- Players affected by Mark of Frost will need additional healing as their Frostbitten stacks go higher.
- On Normal, the group will need additional light healing while Icy Enchantments are casting Burst of Ice.
- On Heroic, Players inside Frozen Tempest will need light healing.
Master of Fire
- Players hit by the Searing Brand charge will need moderate healing.
- On Normal, the group will need additional light healing while Fiery Enchantments are casting Burst of Flame.
- On Heroic, if any Pyroblast aren't interupted, the targeted player will need critical healing.
- On Mythic, players hit by Fel Stomp will need moderate to heavy healing depending on what other mechanics they're dealing with at the time.
Master of the Arcane
- Detonate: Arcane Orb causes moderate damage to the raid every time and Orb lands.
- If Arcane Enchantments aren't killed before their Armageddon channel finishes, the group will need heavy healing.
- On Normal, the group will need additional light healing while Arcane Enchantments are casting Burst of Magic.
- On Mythic, Players soaking Fel Lash will need moderate to heavy healing, depending on how many were soaking.
Debuffs to Track
- Frostbitten causes affected players to take steadily increasing damage.
- (Optional) Frozen Tempest causes affected players to need additional light healing.
DBM Settings
Below are the DBM settings I'll be using for Spellblade Aluriel. You can set them up however you'd like, but these ones should work well as a starting point. Some settings may be Mythic only.
Healer DBM settings for Spellblade Aluriel
Heroic, Restoration Druid PoV
Below is a video of me and my guild defeating Spellblade Aluriel on Heroic difficulty. There is no commentary, only game sounds.
Mythic, Restoration Druid PoV
Below is a video of me and my guild defeating Spellblade Aluriel on Mythic difficulty. There is no commentary, only game sounds.
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