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Trilliax, DPS Guide

Updated 6 years, 4 months ago for patch 7.2 by Virendra. View the change log.

Trilliax Dungeon Journal ModelThis page covers a DPS-focused strategy for Trilliax in The Nighthold. While it's tailored for DPS, other roles may also find the information useful. If you have any suggestions or feedback, you can leave a comment below or tweet @VirendraDG.

This guide has been updated and maintained based on my own experiences with the fight as well as Dungeon Journal information. I'll continue to update it as-needed.

General Mechanics and Abilities

Normal and Heroic

General Abilities in All Phases

  • Arcane Seepage: When Trilliax is damaged, he creates damaging arcane pools under random player. Move out of the pools when you see them forming.
  • Arcane Slash splits massive damage between two targets. Tanks should be taking all of this damage, but make sure you aren't in front of Trilliax.

The Phases

The Cleaner
  • Trilliax will use Toxic Slice to throw cake at random locations that deal damage on impact. Eating the cake gives players a stacking DoT.
    • In Heroic mode, eating cake also gives the Stuffed debuff, decreasing movement speed and preventing the player from eating another piece of cake for 1 minute.
  • The cake must be eaten before Cleansing Rage, when Triliiax destroys any remaining cake dealing massive raid-wide damage.
  • Sterilize will make random targets start to deal ticking damage to anyone else in their 7 yard circle. It lasts for 40 seconds, so players with Sterilize need to move away from the group. This debuff also interacts with Scrubbers from The Caretaker phase, which is explained below.
The Maniac
  • Trilliax uses Arcane Slash more frequently.
  • Arcing Bonds binds two players together, dealing damage while they are not standing next to each other. If you are affected by this ability, run to your partner. If a ranged and a melee player are targeted, the ranged should run to melee.
  • During this mode, Mana Rupture deals damage to the entire raid until Triliiax switches modes.
  • Annihilation is a beam that Trilliax shoots in front and behind him. He then starts to rotate around the room, and might change direction. The beam will one-shot players, so take caution to stay out of the way.
The Caretaker
  • Trilliax begins to throw Succulent Feast at random players. When eaten, the feast grants the player a shield that absorbs 3000000 damage for 2 minutes.
  • Tidy Up summons a squad of Scrubber robots to clean up the pools of Arcane Seepage. While cleaning, the Scrubber's gain energy and will use Cleansing Destruction at max.
  • Players with Sterilize can drain energy from the Scrubbers but will take damage doing so.
  • Players with the Succulent Feast absorb will also be able to stop Scrubbers from detonating. Anybody can click a Scrubber during its cast to jump on it and absorb the detonation, but the buff from the feast will keep a player from taking that damage.

 DPS Strategy

  • Move away from Arcane Seepage pools.
  • Use strong DPS cooldowns and Heroism/Time Warp/Bloodlust at the start of the fight before things get hectic.
  • Heroic mode might need assignments for cake eating because of the debuff.
  • Stand next to your Arcing Bonds partner. Ranged should move into melee if they are bonded to a melee player.
  • During Annihilation, stay towards Trilliax's side in case he switches direction during his rotation.

Comment on Trilliax, DPS Guide

Changelog - View the last ten changes. - +

April 30, 2017 - 12:00 am (Nighthold) - Added Mythic Tel'arn video to healer guide.

April 30, 2017 - 12:00 am (Nighthold) - Added better mythic information to the Tel'arn healer guide.

April 11, 2017 - 12:00 am (Nighthold) - Updated healer DBM settings for the first six bosses, added Mythic Aluriel kill video to healer guide.

April 04, 2017 - 12:00 am (Nighthold) - Added mythic kill video to the Tichondrius healer guide and reviewed all information, only minor corrections were needed.

March 24, 2017 - 12:00 am (Nighthold) - Guides reviewed for patch 7.2, no major updates made.

March 13, 2017 - 12:00 am (Nighthold) - Added Mythic kill video to Krosus healer guide.

March 06, 2017 - 12:00 am (Nighthold) - Did a full review of all healer guides. No major changes were made, mostly just wording clarifications.

February 14, 2017 - 12:00 am (Nighthold) - Made final update to Trilliax healer guide and added mythic kill video.

February 12, 2017 - 12:00 am (Nighthold) - Made final updates to the Chronomatic Anomaly healer guide and added the mythic kill video.

February 11, 2017 - 12:00 am (Nighthold) - Added mythic information to Skorpyron and Chronomatic Anomaly DPS guides.