Ruby Life Pools, Healer Guide
Updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago for patch 10.1 by Preston. View the change log.
This page covers healer-focused strategies for the Ruby Life Pools dungeon in Dragonflight. While it's tailored for healers, other roles may also find the information useful. If you have any suggestions or feedback, you can leave a comment below or tweet @PrestonDvorak.
This guide has been updated and maintained based on my own experiences as well as Dungeon Journal and combat log information. I'll continue to update it as-needed.
Below are guides for the bosses in Ruby Life Pools, including their abilities, healer notes, and addon settings.
Melidrussa Chillworn
- The tank will be dealing with extra moderate damage from Frigid Shard.
- When targeted by Chillstorm, move as far away from other players as possible to drop the resulting Chillstorm.
- All players must run against the pull to avoid being in the central Chillstorm circle.
- When the effect ends, Chillstorm deals moderate damage to all players and knocks them back.
- At 75% and 45% health, Awaken Whelps spawns six Infused Whelps.
- Infused Whelp
- The tank will be dealing with extra light damage from Cold Claws and stacks of Primal Chill (dispel, magic).
- Dispel Primal Chill (magic) before it reaches ten stacks to prevent the Stun effect from Frozen Solid.
- The tank will be dealing with extra light damage from Cold Claws and stacks of Primal Chill (dispel, magic).
- Infused Whelp
- Avoid the loctions of Hailbombs. Triggering one deals moderate damage to players within 5-yards.
Mythic Differences
- 60-seconds into the encounter, and every 30-seconds after that, during Frost Overload.
- Deals moderate damage over time to all players.
- Deplete the Ice Bulwark damage absorption shield to interrupt Frost Overload.
- Infused Whelp
- Primal Chill (dispel, magic) now triggers Frozen Solid at eight stacks.
Mythic+ Affix Notes
High stacks are likely during Frost Overload.
Healing Notes
- Use cooldowns during Frost Overload.
Debuffs to Track
- Major: Primal Chill (dispel, magic), Frozen Solid
Kokia Blazehoof
- The tank will be dealing with extra moderate damage from Searing Blows and moderate damage over time from Searing Wounds.
- Don't stand in front when she turns to cast Molten Boulder. Players hit take moderate damage and are Stunned by Molten Boulder.
- At 100% Energy, about every 35-seconds, avoid the impact location of Ritual of Blazebinding, which spawns a Blazebound Firestorm.
- Blazebound Firestorm
- Interrupt Roaring Blaze to prevent the moderate damage dealt to all players.
- Deals moderate damage and then moderate damage over time to all players with Inferno.
- Upon death, stay more than 20-yards away to avoid the fatal damage from Burnout.
- Blazebound Firestorm
Mythic Differences
- Avoid the Scorched Earth patches left behind by Molten Boulder.
- Blazebound Firestorm
- Avoid the Scorched Earth patch left behind by Burnout.
Mythic+ Affix Notes
Blazebound Firestorm can cause additional orbs to spawn.
High stacks are likely during Inferno.
Healing Notes
- Use cooldowns while the Blazebound Firestorm is alive.
Debuffs to Track
- Major: Searing Wounds, Molten Boulder
Kyrakka and Erkhart Stormvein
- Shared Abilities
- When Kyrakka or Erkhart reach 50% health, Kyrakka lands so Erkhart can remount.
- Kyrakka
- All abilities apply a stack of Infernocore to players hit, dealing stacking light damage over time.
- Upon expiring, avoid the Flaming Embers patch left behind.
- Don't stand in front when it turns to cast Roaring Firebreath.
- Deals moderate damage to random players with Flamespit.
- All abilities apply a stack of Infernocore to players hit, dealing stacking light damage over time.
- Erkhart Stormvein
- The tank will be dealing with extra moderate damage from (381513) .
- Every 20-seconds, during Winds of Change:
- Pushes all players and Flaming Embers in the direction of the wind.
- Deals light damage over time to all players.
- Deals moderate damage to all players and interrupts spell casts with Interrupting Cloudburst.
Mythic Differences
- Kyrakka
- Running into a Flaming Embers pool reapplies Infernocore.
- Erkhart Stormvein
- Dispel Stormslam (magic) to remove the greatly increased Nature damage taken effect.
Mythic+ Affix Notes
Healing Notes
- Use cooldowns on Winds of Change.
Debuffs to Track
- Major: Stormslam (dispel, magic), Roaring Firebreath
- Minor: Infernocore
Trash Mobs
Below are notes for the trash mobs in Ruby Life Pools. Ruby Life Pools has a relatively linear layout, and trash mobs are ordered as if you're completing bosses as they're listed above.
Entrance thru Melidrussa Chillworn
- Primal Juggernaut
- The tank will be dealing with extra heavy damage from Crushing Smash.
- Avoid the impact location of Excavating Blast and the Jagged Earth patch left behind. Players hit take heavy damage and are knocked back.
Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
Soothe immediately.
- Flashfrost Earthshaper
- Interrupt Tectonic Slam to prevent the heavy damage dealt to all players.
Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
Soothe immediately.
- Primal Terrasentry
- Avoid the impact locations of Stone Missile.
- Flashfrost Chillweaver
- Interrupt or purge Ice Shield to prevent the damage absorption shield and immunity to crowd control effect.
- When possible, interrupt Icebolt to prevent the moderate damage dealt to the tank.
- Touching whelp eggs in this area will spawn additional Infused Whelps.
- Infused Whelp
- The tank will be dealing with extra light damage from Cold Claws and stacks of Primal Chill (dispel, magic).
- Dispel Primal Chill (magic) before it reaches ten stacks to prevent the Stun effect from Frozen Solid.
- The tank will be dealing with extra light damage from Cold Claws and stacks of Primal Chill (dispel, magic).
- Defier Draghar
- The tank will be dealing with extra heavy damage from Steel Barrage.
- Don't stand in front when it turns to cast Blazing Rush. Players hit take moderate damage and then moderate damage over time from Blazing Rush.
Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
Soothe immediately.
Melidrussa Chillworn thru Kokia Blazehoof
- Players begin this section by riding a Radiant Drake to the next level.
- Thunderhead
- The tank will be dealing with extra heavy damage and the knock back effect from Thunder Jaw.
- Don't stand in front when it turns to cast Storm Breath
- Deals moderate damage over time to random players with Rolling Thunder (dispel, magic), and then moderate damage to all players when the effect expires or is dispelled.
Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
Soothe immediately.
Can be difficult to move due to their preference for casting spells.
- Scorchling
- The tank will be dealing with light melee damage.
- Primalist Cinderweaver
- Interrupt or purge Burning Ambition to prevent the greatly increased Haste effect.
- Interupt Cinderbolt to prevent the moderate damage dealt to a random player.
Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
Soothe immediately.
Can be difficult to move due to their preference for casting spells.
- Blazebound Destroyer
- When targeted by Living Bomb, stay more than 6-yards away from other players to avoid chaining the damage dealt.
- Additionally, you can stand within 6-yards of Primalists to deal damage to them.
- Deals moderate damage and then moderate damage over time to all players with Inferno.
- Upon death, stay more than 20-yards away to avoid the fatal damage from Burnout.
Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
Soothe immediately.
- When targeted by Living Bomb, stay more than 6-yards away from other players to avoid chaining the damage dealt.
- Primalist Flamedancer
- The tank will be dealing with extra moderate damage over time from Flame Dance, which deals moderate damage to all players with Flame Dance when it expires.
- Upon death, while Blaze of Glory is active, stay more than 4-yards away and avoid the frequent impact locations.
Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
Soothe immediately.
- Flamegullet
- The tank will be dealing with extra heavy damage and moderate damage over time from Fire Maw.
- Don't stand in front when it turns to cast Flame Breath.
- At 50% health, gains Molten Blood, dealing increasing moderate to heavy damage over time to all players until killed.
Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
Soothe immediately.
Kokia Blazehoof thru Kyrakka and Erkhart
- Storm Warrior
- Stay more than 5-yards away to avoid Thunderclap. Players hit take light damage and have their Haste reduced.
- Primal Thundercloud
- Interrupt or avoid the impact location of Crackling Detonation.
- Purge Tempest Barrier to remove the damage absorption effect.
- Tempest Channeler
- Interrupt Thunder Bolt to prevent the moderate damage dealt to the tank.
- Deals moderate damage over time to all players with Lightning Storm.
Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
Soothe immediately.
- Flame Channeler
- Interrupt Flashfire to prevent the healing and moderate damage over time dealt to a random player.
- If no interrupt is available, when targeted, stay more than 5-yards away from other players to avoid chaining the damage dealt.
- Purge Burning Veins to remove the greatly increased Haste effect.
Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
Soothe immediately.
- Interrupt Flashfire to prevent the healing and moderate damage over time dealt to a random player.
- High Channeler Ryvati
- Interrupt or dispel Shock Blast (magic) to prevent the moderate damage and then light damage over time dealt to the tank
- Tempest Stormshield:
- Consumes any Tempest Barriers from nearby Primal Thunderclouds, increasing the amount of damage it absorbs.
- Upon expiring, deals the remaining absorption amount as damage to all players.
- Summons additional Primal Thunderclouds with Summon Primal Thundercloud.
- Deals moderate damage over time to all players with Lightning Storm.
Should be killed first or otherwise prevented from gaining excessive stacks.
Soothe immediately.
Trash Debuffs to Track
- Major:
- Magic Dispel: Rolling Thunder (dispel, magic)
- Damaging: Steel Barrage, Blazing Rush, Living Bomb, Fire Maw, Flashfire, Jagged Earth
- Minor: None
- Enrages to Soothe: None
- Buffs to Purge: Burning Ambition, Ice Shield, Tempest Barrier, Burning Veins
- Root Effects: None
Trash Mythic+ Notes
Below are general Mythic+ notes for trash in Ruby Life Pools that don't necessarily pertain to specific enemies. Notes for specific enemies can be found in their sections above.
Entrance thru Melidrussa Chillworn
Melidrussa Chillworn thru Kokia Blazehoof
- No general notes, check specific enemies above.
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