Bloodlord Mandokir, Healer Guide
Updated 3 years, 2 months ago for patch 1.13.6 and Season of Mastery by Preston. View the change log.
This page covers a healer-focused strategy for Bloodlord Mandokir in Zul'Gurub. While it's tailored for healers, other roles may also find the information useful. If you have any suggestions or feedback, you can leave a comment below or tweet @PrestonDvorak.
This guide has been updated and maintained based on my own experiences with the encounter, logs information, and Dungeon Journal information. I'll continue to update it as-needed.
General Mechanics and Abilities
- Players will be slowly resurrected by nearby Chained Spirits when killed.
- Every third player that dies grants Mandokir increased attack power for the rest of the encounter.
- Bloodlord Mandokir
- The tanks will be dealing with Mortal Strike, reducing healing received.
- Charges random players, dealing light damage and stunning for 2-seconds.
- Stay at least 8-yards away to avoid Whirlwind.
- When affected by Threatening Gaze, avoid performing any actions to avoid being instantly killed.
- Ohgan
- When killed, Mandokir becomes Enraged, gaining increased attack power and attack speed for 90-seconds.
Season of Mastery Differences
- Currently, I'm not aware of any differences.
Resistance Levels
- Players generally won't make use of any additional Resistances on this encounter.
Healing Notes
The notes below mostly pertain to progression difficulty, meaning if you out-gear the difficulty you're on or use extra healers they may not apply.
- The tanks will be taking significant damage throughout the encounter, especially if your raid decides to kill Ohgan first. Ideally the only damage on other players will be from the random Charges.
Debuffs to Track
- Major: Mortal Strike
Healer DBM Settings for Bloodlord Mandokir
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