Silithid Royalty, Healer Guide
Updated 1 year, 1 month ago for patch 1.13.6 and Season of Mastery by Preston. View the change log.
This page covers a healer-focused strategy for Silithid Royalty in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. While it's tailored for healers, other roles may also find the information useful. If you have any suggestions or feedback, you can leave a comment below or tweet @PrestonDvorak.
This guide has been updated and maintained based on my own experiences with the encounter, logs information, and Dungeon Journal information. I'll continue to update it as-needed.
General Mechanics and Abilities
- All bosses will Enrage after 15-minutes has passed.
- Lord Kri
- The tanks will be dealing with Thrash.
- Don't stand in front of the boss to avoid Cleave.
- Deals light damage to all players with Toxic Volley (dispel, poison) and applies a stacking damage over time effect.
- When killed, avoid the Summon Poison Cloud left behind.
- Princess Yauj
- The tanks will be dealing with Ravage.
- Interrupt Great Heal to prevent the healing.
- When possible, stay at least 45-yards away to avoid Fear (dispel, magic).
- Removes debuffs from enemies using Dispel.
- When killed, spawns a swarm of Yauj Brood that must be killed.
- Vem
- The tanks will be dealing with Knock Away.
- Targets random players with Charge followed by Knockdown, stunning all players within 5-yards.
- When killed, applies Vengeance to any other boss still alive, increasing their attack speed and physical damage dealt.
- If the last boss alive, goes Berserk, gaining increased attack speed and physical damage dealt.
Season of Mastery Differences
- After killing The Prophet Skeram, players can interact with the Prophecy of Chaos at the back of the hallway leading deeper into Ahn'Quiraj.
- The Prophecy of Chaos allows players to increase the difficulty of all bosses by causing different lesser enemies to spawn during encounters. Higher difficulty levels are unlocked with higher reputation and award additional loot.
- Glyph of Madness (Friendly) causes Claw Tentacles to spawn.
- Claw Tentacle
- Avoid the impact locations of Ground Rupture.
- Hit random nearby players with Hamstring, reducing movement speed.
- Claw Tentacle
- Glyph of Darkness (Honored) causes Eye Tentacles to spawn.
- Eye Tentacle
- Interrupt Mind Flay to prevent the light damage over time dealt to a random player.
- Eye Tentacle
- Glyph of Chaos (Revered) causes Giant Claw Tentacles to spawn.
- Giant Claw Tentacle
- Avoid the impact location of Ground Rupture.
- The tanks will be dealing with Thrash, taking a burst of moderate damage.
- If no players are in melee range, it will submerge and reemerge under another player.
- Giant Claw Tentacle
- Glyph of the Void (Exalted) causes Eye of C'Thun to spawn.
- Eye of C'Thun
- Stay at least 10-yards away from other players to avoid chaining the damage from Eye Beam.
- Eye of C'Thun
- Glyph of Madness (Friendly) causes Claw Tentacles to spawn.
- The Prophecy of Chaos allows players to increase the difficulty of all bosses by causing different lesser enemies to spawn during encounters. Higher difficulty levels are unlocked with higher reputation and award additional loot.
Resistance Levels
- All players should use as much Nature Resistance as possible without sacrificing other stats.
Healing Notes
The notes below mostly pertain to progression difficulty, meaning if you out-gear the difficulty you're on or use extra healers they may not apply.
- Keep Toxic Volley (dispel, poison) under control by dispelling players with the highest stacks first.
Debuffs to Track
- Major: Fear (dispel, magic), Knockdown, Ravage
- Minor: Toxic Volley (dispel, poison)
Healer DBM Settings for Silithid Royalty
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