Chromaggus, Healer Guide
Updated 1 year, 3 months ago for patch 1.13.6 and Season of Mastery by Preston. View the change log.
This page covers a healer-focused strategy for Chromaggus in Blackwing Lair. While it's tailored for healers, other roles may also find the information useful. If you have any suggestions or feedback, you can leave a comment below or tweet @PrestonDvorak.
This guide has been updated and maintained based on my own experiences with the encounter, logs information, and Dungeon Journal information. I'll continue to update it as-needed.
General Mechanics and Abilities
- Breath Attacks
- Two out of the five breaths will be used with each raid reset, chosen at random.
- The breaths hit all players in line of sight of Chromaggus and all players but the tank should break line of sight to avoid their effects.
- Breaths
- Incinerate (red) deals heavy damage to all players.
- Corrosive Acid (green) applies a damage over time effect that deals moderate damage over 15-seconds and reduces armor.
- Frost Burn (blue) deals moderate to all players and applies a reduced attack speed effect.
- Time Lapse (bronze) stuns all players and reduces maximum health by 50% for 6-seconds.
- Ignite Flesh (black) applies a stacking damage over time effect.
- Brood Afflictions
- Applies random Afflictions to all players, regardless of if they're in line of sight of Chromaggus or not.
- If a player has all five Afflictions at once they are transformed into a Chromatic Drakonid.
- Chromatic Drakonid
- Deal damage to players within 15-yards using Brood Power: Black.
- Chromatic Drakonid
- Afflictions
- Brood Affliction: Red (dispel, disease) deals light fire damage over time and heals Chromaggus if the affected player dies.
- Brood Affliction: Green (dispel, poison) deals light damage over time and reduces healing received.
- Brood Affliction: Blue (dispel, magic) drains mana over time and reduces cast speed.
- Brood Affliction: Black (dispel, curse) greatly increases fire damage taken.
- Brood Affliction: Bronze (dispelled using Hourglass Sand) periodically stuns affected players.
- Periodically Shimmers, gaining increased resistance to and increased vulnerability to different schools of magic.
- Frenzy should be dispelled with Tranquilizing Shot to remove the increased attack speed and spell damage effect.
Season of Mastery Differences
- Breath Attacks
- All Breath Attacks are now used at random and hit all players regardless of line of sight, except when breaking line of sight using an Ice Block, noted below.
- Brood Afflictions
- Brood Afflictions now have an additional effect when dispelled.
- Avoid the Flame Patches from Brood Affliction: Red (dispel, disease)
- Avoid the Dream Fog clouds from Brood Affliction: Green (dispel, poison).
- Brood Affliction: Blue (dispel, magic) creates an Ice Block that lasts for ~20-seconds players can use to break line of sight on Chromaggus, denoted by gaining Hiding Behind Ice.
- Brood Affliction: Black (dispel, curse) - it's not clear if this has any added effect.
- Brood Affliction: Bronze stuns players within 8-yards of the affected player with Time Stop.
Resistance Levels
- Players generally won't make use of any additional Resistances on this encounter.
Healing Notes
The notes below mostly pertain to progression difficulty, meaning if you out-gear the difficulty you're on or use extra healers they may not apply.
- Overall priority on this fight is dispelling Afflictions and keeping players with Brood Affliction: Red (dispel, disease) alive until they're dispelled.
- Brood Affliction: Blue (dispel, magic) should be dispelled from yourself and other healers quickly.
- Apply as many heal over time or absorption effects to the tank as possible before breaking line of sight for Time Lapse.
Debuffs to Track
- Major: Brood Affliction: Red (dispel, disease), Brood Affliction: Green (dispel, poison), Brood Affliction: Blue (dispel, magic), Brood Affliction: Black (dispel, curse)
- Minor: Corrosive Acid, Time Lapse, Ignite Flesh
- Enrages to Dispel: Frenzy
Healer DBM Settings for Chromaggus
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