G'huun, Healer Guide
Updated 4 years, 9 months ago for patch 8.1 by Preston. View the change log.
This page covers a healer-focused strategy for G'huun in Uldir. While it's tailored for healers, other roles may also find the information useful. If you have any suggestions or feedback, you can leave a comment below or tweet @PrestonDvorak.
This guide has been updated and maintained based on my own experiences with the fight as well as Dungeon Journal information. I'll continue to update it as-needed.
General Mechanics and Abilities
Normal and Heroic
Most of this fight is split between two areas, the Arena Floor and the Upper Platforms. The significance of these in noted for each stage below.
Stage One - My Minion's are Endless
During this stage players will be fighting against G'huun's minions while trying to power the Reorigination Drive. This stage ends once three Power Matrix orbs are deposited into the Reorigination Drive.
- Arena Floor
- Attacking G'huun during this stage is useless while Blood Shield is active.
- When affected by Explosive Corruption, run to the edges of the room to drop the resulting Blighted Ground and release the Virulent Corruption orbs.
- Avoid the Virulent Corruption orbs as the travel out from the Blighted Ground.
- On Heroic, being hit by Virulent Corruption applies a new Explosive Corruption.
- Avoid the Virulent Corruption orbs as the travel out from the Blighted Ground.
- G'huun periodically summons sets of enemies that must be killed.
- Cyclopean Terror
- Targets random players with Torment, dealing light damage over time and slowing movement speed.
- Dark Young
- The tanks will be dealing with Massive Smash.
- At 100% energy, Dark Bargain applies a stack that increases the damage done, healing done, and damage taken by all players and enemies with in 10-yards.
- Taking two stacks causes players to become Charmed and they will need to be reduced to 50% health to break the effect.
- On Heroic, Blightspreader Tendril
- At 0% energy, Burrows to a new location.
- Interrupt Decaying Eruption to prevent the group-wide damage.
- Cyclopean Terror
- Upper Platforms
- The upper platforms consist of the ramps and the cliff paths they lead to on the left and right side of the room.
- It's possible only the left side will be active.
- Players on the Upper Platforms take constant light damage over time from Unclean Contagion.
- At the top of the ramp, the Power Matrix orb must be picked up from its platform and brought to the Reorigination Drive at the end of the pathway.
- While holding the Power Matrix, movement speed is gradually reduced over 10-seconds until the player can no longer move.
- Use the Throw Power Matrix Extra Action Button to throw the orb to a targeted location.
- Another player must catch the orb at the location or it will despawn and start back at the beginning.
- Picking the Power Matrix up from its original platform applies Imperfect Physiology preventing picking it up from the original platform for 5-minutes.
- Players with this debuff can still catch the Power Matrix from Throw Power Matrix, they just cannot be the ones to initially pick it up from its starting platform.
- Avoid the Undulating Mass patches.
- Damaging the Amorphus Cysts temporarily reduces the radius of this effect.
- The upper platforms consist of the ramps and the cliff paths they lead to on the left and right side of the room.
- Both Areas
- After three Power Matrix orbs have been deposited, Reorigination Blast deals heavy damage to all players and enemies every 6-seconds for 24-seconds. Additionally, all enemies are stunned and take increased damage.
Stage Two - Behold the Power of G'huun!
This stages begins once three Power Matrix orbs have been deposited into the Reorigination Drive and Reorigination Blast has ended. It ends when G'huun reaches 20% health.
- Arena Floor
- G'huun is free and attackable.
- The tanks will be dealing with stacks of Growing Corruption.
- Wave of Corruption deals damage to the group as it spreads across the room.
- This applies a stack of Putrid Blood to players hit.
- Stay at least 5-yards away from other players to avoid splash damage from Wave of Corruption.
- Stack near the player affected by Blood Feast to remove stacks of Putrid Blood.
- This spawns a Gibbering Horror.
- Health and damage are increased by Blood Might for each stack of Putrid Blood absorbed.
- Periodically deals light damage to the group and interrupts all casts with Mind-Numbing Chatter.
- This spawns a Gibbering Horror.
- Explosive Corruption continues during this stage.
- Upper Platforms
- The Upper Platforms function the same as in stage one.
- You'll likely want to time Reorigination Blast for when the Gibbering Horror is active.
Stage Three - Your Destruction is Assured
This stage begins when G'huun reaches 20% health and ends when its killed.
- Arena Floor
- Several abilities continue in this stage: Growing Corruption, Wave of Corruption, Explosive Corruption.
- Blood Feast no longer occurs, so Putrid Blood stacks can't be removed.
- Move as far away from the impact locations of Collapse to minimize the damage taken.
- Turn away from G'huun during Gaze of G'huun to prevent being Feared.
- On Heroic, avoid the Malignant Growth impact locations.
- Several abilities continue in this stage: Growing Corruption, Wave of Corruption, Explosive Corruption.
- Upper Platforms
- These are destroyed and no longer accessible.
Mythic Differences
- Mythic information will be added soon.
Healing Notes
Quick Notes, All Difficulties
The notes below mostly pertain to progression difficulty, meaning if you out-gear the difficulty you're on or use extra healers they may not apply.
- Use Major Cooldowns
- during Reorigination Blast
- during Wave of Corruption in stage three
- Use Minor Cooldowns
- as-needed during Wave of Corruption
- Pre-heal Before (mainly for heal over time classes)
- Potion of Replenishment use
- After Explosive Corruption
- Other things to watch for
- Players affected by Dark Bargain.
- Players with high stacks of Putrid Blood.
- Tanks with high stacks of Growing Corruption.
Debuffs to Track
- Growing Corruption causes tanks to take additional damage.
- Torment causes players to need additional healing.
- Explosive Corruption causes players to need additional healing.
- Dark Bargain causes players to need additional healing.
DBM Settings
Below are the DBM settings I'll be using for G'huun in Uldir. You can set them up however you'd like, but these ones should work well as a starting point. Some settings may be Mythic only.
Healer DBM Settings for G'huun in Uldir
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